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Esher Church of England High School

Esher Church of England High School

Esher Learning Trust

Frequently Asked Questions about SEND


I think my child has dyslexia, can you test for dyslexia in school?

No unfortunately not, dyslexia can only be diagnosed by an educational psychologist or a person who holds a Level 7 specialist teacher qualification. In school, we are able to use a test called the Lucid Exact which will look at a range of areas linked to reading, processing and writing. These results can prove useful in understanding whether your child may have a specific learning difficulty (SpLD) like dyslexia. Typically if a child has a SpLD, they will have a spiky profile showing high ability in an area such as comprehension but low ability in another area such as reading speed or spelling. However, it is important to note this does not confirm or dispute a diagnosis. Helen Arkell is a dyslexia charity which can provide specialist support.

I am going to get my child assessed for dyslexia, should I speak with the school first?

Absolutely. It is important that concerns are shared with the school. It is also particularly important if you are hoping to get a dyslexia diagnosis to provide evidence for exam access arrangements. Please ensure your child’s form tutor, HOY and the SENCo are made aware.

My child has a diagnosis of dyslexia, do they get extra time?

A dyslexia report alone is not enough to give your child exam access arrangements at GCSE. The JQC states that schools must not accept dyslexia reports alone as evidence. This is because in order for a report to be accepted, the SENCo must have met and discussed the child with the assessor in advance of the testing. The SENCo must complete the first part of the Form 8 and outline the child’s difficulties prior to the test. Furthermore, exam access arrangements can only be in place for GCSEs if it is the child’s normal way of working prior to the assessment.  Please refer to the JCQ Guidance for clarification.

What support is offered to children with dyslexia?

Dyslexia is primarily supported through quality first teaching (QFT) which means that teachers are expected to adapt their teaching to ensure students with dyslexia can make the same progress as their peers. Some examples of QFT are: the use of cream backgrounds in powerpoints, dyslexia friendly font, use of assistive technology such as computer readers or speech to text, use of coloured overlays, handouts utilised to reduce copying as well as providing writing frames and key words for extended writing tasks. All teachers are given a list of strategies to support children with dyslexia in the classroom.  They have also had specialist training from Erin Caddick who is a specialist dyslexia teacher.

Students can also be supported through an online programme called IDL. This is an online literacy programme tailored to the child’s needs. Students can complete this weekly in tutor time, or they can come after school to our Homework Club in the Hub where there are Learning Support Assistants to provide support.

The SEND department will also read every dyslexia report and create a pupil passport for the child which will be shared with all teachers. In addition, Children with dyslexia are added to the Ordinarily Available Provision register.


I think my child has Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) or Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD), how can I get them diagnosed?

Since September 2023, MindWorks (formerly CAMHS) are not taking referrals from schools except where a child is in severe distress within the school setting and is at risk of permanent exclusion. However, many parents have had success using the Right to Choose which is initiated by your GP. Please use the links below for more information:

Right to Choose - ADHD UK

How to request an autism assessment

Can I get this done privately instead?

Yes, absolutely this is your family’s choice, however, private referrals often come at a huge cost, somewhere between £1500-£2000.

Please note if you decide to seek a private diagnosis, and would like the school to provide feedback, we need a minimum of 4 weeks’ notice (term time) to complete these. These forms require a huge amount of time and detail, and teachers will not be able to fill these in without proper notice.

What support is offered to students with ADHD or ASD?

We apply a whole school approach to supporting students with neurodiversity. We do not believe that children with neurodiversity can only be supported by the SENCo; this is not inclusive and goes against the ethos we have at Esher High School. Our staff build positive relationships with their pupils and ensure they are aware of children’s special educational needs. The SENCo is expected to provide information to staff about children who have SEND needs and to provide further training to staff where necessary.

It is important that parents share all reports with the SENCo so that accurate information is provided to staff, and the child can be placed on the Ordinarily Available Provision register. All staff have received training from Mindworks for ADHD and from Limpsfield Grange ASD Outreach Service over the last year so are able to support students effectively.

What if the ordinarily available provision my child is receiving is not enough to ensure they are happy and making expected progress?

In the first instance, please contact their Tutor and Student Wellbeing Coordinator to discuss your concerns. A wellbeing assessment may be completed and further support may be sought from the Inclusion team.

After this, the SENCo may add the child to the SEND register and notify their teachers. At this point, the SENCo will begin a graduated approach using the Assess Plan Do Review (ADPR) cycle. A number of strategies will be put in place for around 12 weeks and their effectiveness evaluated. The SENCo may also need to draw on the external agencies outlined in Surrey’s Local Offer for further advice. If no progress is being made, the SENCo will consider applying for an Educational Health Care Needs Assessment (EHCNA).

I have concerns about waiting this long to complete an EHC, what can I do?

Please use the Surrey Local Offer website to access an area called Learner’s Single Point of Access (L-SPA) and you will see how to apply for an EHCNA as a parent.