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Esher Church of England High School

Esher Church of England High School

Esher Learning Trust


Exams take place for all students at varying times throughout the school year. These could be year exams or GCSE public exams.

Keep watching this page as we will upload exams information and timetables as the year progresses. You don't have to wait for the exams timetable to begin revising for your exams!  

You can undertake ongoing revision by using online activities such as tasks set on Edulink One, Sparx or BBC Bitesize.

Click here for some practical advice and tips on how your parents can support you during your revision in the run-up to your exams.

Exam Regulations 

Exams at Esher High School are regulated by the JCQ.  It is important that students are aware of the guidelines for exams produced by the JCQ.  All relevant documents can be found using this link to JCQ's information for candidates' documents.

GCSE and Vocational Qualifications

Students preparing for exams in the 2024/2025 academic year and Year 10 students starting their GCSE study will sit exams with the awarding bodies listed. If you have any questions regarding a qualification, please speak to your teacher or contact the Exams Officer.

Native Speakers

The Modern Foreign Languages Department (MFL) at Esher High School would like to enable students, in Years 10 and 11, who are fluent in languages other than English to have the opportunity to gain recognition and a qualification in this language.  If you have any queries about this, please contact the Head of MFL at:


Exam policies are available here.  You will also find the Exam Complaints Policy and Exams Internal Appeals Policies.