Careers and Work Experience
Information and guidance is incorporated into the PSHCE Programme that is taught throughout the school to all students. We also provide help for parents and students in Years 10 - 11 via an expert Careers Advisor. The advisor is available to meet with all students, give them impartial and independent advice and guidance relating to careers, colleges, A Levels, universities, whatever they would like help with.
Esher C of E High School Careers Team
Name | Role | |
Lizzie Bosley | Head of Careers, Assistant Headteacher | |
Esher High School is committed to providing careers education and to fulfil its statutory obligations. The main purpose is to provide all children with a programme of careers education activities including opportunities at key transition points to access impartial information and expert advice and guidance through:
Purpose and Aims
- Helping children choose courses that are appropriate to their needs
- Improving their understanding of the world of work
- Ensuring appropriate provision and guidance
- Empowering children to plan and manage their own futures
- Providing comprehensive and unbiased advice and guidance
Gatsby Benchmarks – how we meet them:
1. A stable career programme - We have a Careers Leader in post - an Assistant Head with responsibility for Careers and a Link Governor in post. In addition, there is a Careers policy and detailed careers team improvement plan and delivery plan in place, which is reviewed termly as part of the whole school improvement plan. Impact and feedback is sought regularly by the Careers Leader via evaluations, destination data, student, parent and staff surveys, focus groups and evaluations. We have a dedicated budget for careers and key information for students, parents, teachers and employers can be found on the careers section of our website.
2. Learning from career and labour market information – Every subject has dedicated careers learning and this is enriched further through year group and needs based careers events and visits, talks to parents and students, articles in the school newsletter and subject specific information and resources shared with teaching staff. We have a well-resourced careers library. Our careers team help students to make the best use of available information. Parents are informed about key careers information and events via email, letter and Parent Bulletin.
3. Addressing the needs of each student – We organise a range of specific events to raise aspirations and challenge stereotypical thinking across the academy. Careers learning is recorded on Compass Plus. Students are encouraged to record their career learning on START, our chosen careers platform. We systematically track and analyse student destinations for three years after students leave.
4. Linking curriculum learning to careers – Middle leaders complete a termly careers audit to track careers in the curriculum. We take part in National Careers Week, National Apprenticeship Week and National Engineering Week.
5. Encounters with employers and employees – All our students have the opportunity to meet with a range of employers at numerous events such as guest speakers, careers coaches, challenging stereotypes carousel, meet the professional events, mock interviews, assemblies and external visits.
6. Experience of work places – Students are encouraged to take part in virtual work experience with Speakers for Schools throughout Year 10 and Year 11.
7. Encounters with further and higher education – The majority of students will have meaningful encounters with sixth form colleges, further education colleges, and independent training providers via careers evenings, open evening, college transition evening, meet the professional events, results day, parent evenings, assemblies, lectures and workshops.
8. Personal guidance – We have one qualified careers advisor. Parents and students from any year group can request a careers appointment and all students will be offered at least one appointment during Key Stage 3 and another during Key Stage 4. In addition, specific students such as those with an Educational Health Care Plan (EHCP), CLA, or HAPs will be seen more regularly from Year 7 upwards.
All enquires from students, parents, staff and employers should contact Lizzie Bosley, Assistant Headteacher, Telephone: 01372 468068; Email:
Please see our Careers Statement below, together with our Careers Provider Access Policy. Last reviewed March 2024, Next review Spring 2025.