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Esher Church of England High School

Esher Church of England High School

Esher Learning Trust

Admissions Consultation

Esher C of E High School (EHS) is an academy in the multi-academy trust, Enlighten Learning Trust (ELT).  Enlighten Learning Trust, in conjunction with the Governing Body of Esher C of E High School, has the responsibility for determining the admissions arrangements for September 2025.


Proposed changes:

The Admissions Policy has been updated to align with the Admissions Policies of the other trust schools. There are no material changes.


How can you respond to the consultation?

The consultation on the proposed change to the Admissions Policy for Esher C of E High School will run from Wednesday 20 December 2023 to Wednesday 31 January 2024. If you would like to take part, please complete the online response form. Alternatively, if you would prefer to respond on a paper form, please telephone Esher High School on 01372 468068 to request a copy. Please note that only response forms which are fully completed with the respondent’s name and address will be accepted.


What happens next?

After the closing date, the responses will be collated, and shared with the governing body of the school and ELT.  ELT and the EHS governing body will meet and consider the outcomes of the consultation before determining the September 2025 admission arrangements. The admission arrangements will be determined by 28 February 2024 and published on the school’s website not later than 15 March 2024.