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Esher Church of England High School

Esher Church of England High School

Esher Learning Trust


Esher High School is a member of the Enlighten Learning Trust.  The trust is a Multi-Academy Trust which provides strategic direction and support and oversees the governance of all schools within the trust.  The Governing Body of Esher High School reports to the Trust and the working relationship with the Academy Trust is very strong. You can find out more about ELT by clicking on this link.


The Governing Body of Esher High School is responsible for determining the overall strategy of the School and its educational character by:

  • Setting the aims and objectives for the school
  • Setting policies and targets for achieving those aims and objectives
  • Monitoring and evaluating the progress of the school in achieving those aims and objectives.
  • Overseeing clear and objective governance of the school

Governors make a very valuable contribution to the success of the School. They contribute their collective skills and experience to the Governing Body in a non-executive capacity on an unpaid basis. Governors are appointed on the basis of their skills which will assist the School in its development and are representative of our local community and our Christian foundation.

The Governing Body also includes staff and parent members.  The Headteacher is also a Governor. The Governing Body does not manage the School nor organise its day-to-day affairs, as that is the job of the Headteacher, who is appointed by the Governing Body.  Full Governing Body meetings are the main forum for the Governing Body and these are held four times a year (or more if required) to discuss issues and make decisions. Each Governor is also a member of a committee, and these committees are held each term.

There are three main committees:

  • Education and Wellbeing Committee - Provides a strategic overview of Teaching and Learning, Wellbeing and safeguarding of the members of the school community
  • Finance and Resources Committee - Ensures that the school's resources support the teaching and learning objectives of the school and deliver value for money (Please see link below to the DfE Schools Financial Benchmarking) 
  • Admissions Committee

We also have a Christian Ethos Group and a Pay Committee.

If you would like to contact the governing body or are interested in finding out more about becoming a Governor of Esher High School please contact Mrs Debra Mason, Chair of Governors at or via the school - please contact Mrs Morgan at