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Esher Church of England High School

Esher Church of England High School

Esher Learning Trust


Students at Esher High School are carefully supported to help gain the knowledge, skills and experience they need to prepare themselves for the world of work in the future, whatever avenue that may take.  We provide a diverse programme of resources, placements and talks to help them test out their ambitions for the future, refine their ideas and make informed choices.  These aspects are embedded in our curriculum as well as being a discrete aspect covered with input from professional careers providers.  Through this we aim to ensure that every student at Esher High School knows the expectations of possible career choices, builds their motivation and will be aided by experienced colleagues where needed.

We achieve this in the following ways:

  • All students have access to our Careers Advisor targeting careers progression in KS3 and KS4.  The Careers Advisor takes time to talk to each student individually regarding careers progression to identify priorities for one-to-one intervention at a later stage.
  • All students identified as a priority are given a further one-to-one careers interview with our Careers Advisor, setting targets through discussion and a personalised action plan is created.  The action plan is shared with the student and Head of Year.
  • Additional one-to-one interviews are arranged for our disadvantaged students who are also offered extra contact time with our U-Explore Personal Coach to maintain careers planning.  By this we aim to ensure every student progresses onto a positive employment or training opportunity, without any ‘not in education, employment or training’ (NEET).

Year 9 Options event

  • Our Careers Advisor is available during Options event to help guide parents and students on careers progression and selection of GCSE courses.

College assemblies

  • Local colleges are invited to the Year 11 Careers Fair on Enrichment Day in October each year to give students information regarding courses available at college and give students an idea of student life after KS4.
  • Surrey County Council work with Miss Bosley to identify students who are unclear about their next step after Year 11.  Surrey County Council then provide one-to-one support to students identified through the ‘risk of NEET indicator’ (RONI) list.

Careers trips and College visits

Our students are provided with a number of opportunities to explore and develop their careers options:

  • Year 10 College taster days
  • National Apprenticeship Show in March each year for Year 10
  • Surrey University day (G&T and PP)
  • PSHE programme - PSHE lessons link with the careers programme and involves lessons on: Money and Finance/Creating your CV/Writing a letter of application/Interview skills
  • Careers displays - subject specific careers displays are in each department, together with information around school designed to promote careers development.
  • Careers library - there is a specific designated careers section in the Hub for students to use with wide variety of information available on various careers and education pathways.  All local FE Colleges prospectuses are available, including FE Institutions outside the local area.  There is also information about apprenticeship providers and other training providers.

Helping students to learn about career opportunities is more important now than ever.  We need to know that what we are doing is accessible and effective.  We can only know this through feedback, and would really appreciate your help in completing this questionnaire

Careers at Esher High School is supported by Miss E Bosley (Assistant Headteacher).